Thursday, June 13, 2013

Schain Law Firm: 5 Year "Mortgage Foreclosure Judge" Anniversary

Five (5) years ago I was appointed as a Philadelphia Mortgage Foreclosure Court Judge Pro Tempore and the results have been astonishing.
Since 1998's "mortgage foreclosure meltdown", residential foreclosure cases have comprised 19% of Philadelphia's civil case inventory.
Philadelphia's conciliation program requires lenders to meet face-to-face with residential homeowners in every owner-occupied property subject to foreclosure before the foreclosure proceeds.

Each meeting is supervised by an experienced consumer lending attorney serving as a "Judge Pro Tempore" seeking to forge a permanent resolution ranging from workout alternatives including forbearance and modification agreements.
Each week between 150 to 300 cases appear before the foreclosure court and the results have been spectacularly impressive.
Over the past sixty (60) months, our nationally renowned diversion program has served 23,000 Philadelphia residents and saved over 5,000 homes from sheriff's sale.
In 2008, 95.3% of foreclosures were resolved in 7 to 13 months; in 2009, 53.7% were resolved in 7 to 13 months, in 2010, 88.6% were resolved in 7 to 13 months, and in 2011, 67% were resolved in 7 to 13 months.

Despite these impressive statistics and case backlog reduction, 6304 foreclosures are pending and the number of filings have not diminished.
Further, new issues keep emerging including foreclosures of seniors living alone whom die, are deemed mentally incompetent or face crippling financial trouble of which their families are unaware.
Philadelphia's Mortgage Foreclosure program has implemented an innovative dual-track process integrating the handling of both the foreclosure and estate situation to simplify and accelerate resolving the dispute.